Dear customer!
Enclosed you receive the seeds. Many thanks for your order!
The following cultivation instructions are valid for the seeds ordered:
soak the seeds for 24 hours in warm water.
put fertilizerFREE soil (e.g. cactus soil) in a vessel and put seeds in it, slightly covered by soil.
wrap the vessel in a plastic bag and put it for 6 weeks in th lowest level of your refrigerator. ACER seeds: Please put them for 2 months in the refrigerator. This called cold stratification is needed to make more seeds sprouted. During this period please pay attention, that soil is not molding ( ventilation) and always moist NOT wet.
after this period please take out the vessel from your refrigerator and place them at a warm sunny location. We recommend a mini-room-greenhouse with a heating mat. Please regard , that until seeds sprouted, they need minimum 20 degrees C. (68 degrees F.) Keep soil always moist NOT wet.
After 4 weeks you should see the first seedlings ( but some seeds will need some months-don't give up)....
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Yours sincerely from Hungary,
Alexander Köhnken