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Eucalyptus seeds

the family of Eucalyptus contains 700 different types. Mainly they are growing in Australia. Very special is the rainbow Eucalypus, where the trunk of the tree has colours similar to a rainbow, when the rainbow Eucalyptus grows older. But also the lemon Eucalyptus has a very nice fragance. Absolute hardy is just the Eucalyptus Pauciflora, snow gum.
Eucalyptus camaldulensis, River Red Gum, Murray Red Gum, 15 seeds
This is what you get: 15 seeds 
6.06 USD
VAT exempt according to current tax regulations excl. Shipping costs
Eucalyptus citriodora, Lemon Scented Gum, 10 seeds
This is what you get: 10 seeds 
5.44 USD
VAT exempt according to current tax regulations excl. Shipping costs
Eucalyptus deglupta, Regenbogen Eucalyptus, 10 seeds
This is what you get: 10 seeds 
5.44 USD
VAT exempt according to current tax regulations excl. Shipping costs
Eucalyptus radiata (Peppermint Eucalyptus), 15 seeds
This is what you get: 15 seeds 
6.06 USD
VAT exempt according to current tax regulations excl. Shipping costs
Eucalyptus Nitens, Shining Gum, Silvertop, 10 seeds
This is what you get: 10 seeds 
6.06 USD
VAT exempt according to current tax regulations excl. Shipping costs
Show 1 to 5 (from a total of 5 products)