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Nursery Technique: The sieved seeds need no pre-sowing treatment. Seeds of about 0.1g (about 2500 seeds) can be sown in galvanized or wooden trays filled with fine river sand and soil and treated with fungicide. The seeds are better mixed with sterilized sand before sowing. They are sown in February at the rate of about 0.2 gm of seed per m2 of bed. Winter sowing is not successful. Percentage of germination is high. The germination of A.cadamba seeds in open beds is generally difficult. Therefore, plants are invariably raised in shaded beds to exclude insolation and splashing effects of rain water. Before sowing, the beds are thoroughly wetted and seeds are broadcast on the top taking care that seeds do not get buried in the soil, instead they are patted with hand. After sowing, watering is done with a fine rose can, frequently and sparingly, according to requirements as the young seedling are sensitive to both drought and excessive moisture. Germination takes place in about three weeks from the date of sowing. After germination shading is removed. The germination percentage is 60-90%. The seedlings from the tray can be pricked and transplanted in the poly bag container with fungicide after attaining a height of 5 cm. Shade cover is needed after transplanting. Growth is fast under tropical conditions and plants could reach plantable size (30 cm) in four to five months. Seedlings require periodic watering in the first stages of development. Common mistakes in propagation are over-watering and associated disease problems, over-shading and allowing the germinants to become too large for easy transplanting leading to malformed tap roots or root curling in the pots. About 2 lakhs seedlings can be obtained from 1 kg of seeds in nurseries. Out planting is done with 35-50 cm high seedlings.
Mit freundlichen Grüssen aus Ungarn,
Alexander Köhnken